Reduce the cost of industrial or commercial electricity, improve the quality of the power supply

it’s a reliable backup power supply

The grid-connected working mode of the microgrid system in the industrial park will relieve

the pressure on the grid and save the cost of basic capacity expansion and construction investment

Reduce the cost of electricity consumption by "shaving peaks and filling valleys", and improve the reliability and quality of the power supply


Peak Shaving And Valley Filling

The Zealuck micro-grid system of industrial parks and commercial complexes can be set to charge the energy storage battery from the grid when the electricity price is low, and release it for load use during the peak electricity price, thereby reducing the cost of electricity for enterprises and increasing revenue.


improveing the reliability and quality

The Zealuck energy storage system can automatically and seamlessly switch to restore power supply in the event of an unexpected power outage, providing users with a power outage-free perception of the switching experience, ensuring stable equipment operation and avoiding the risk of shutdown caused by problems such as grid failure.

The core role of the energy storage system is to play a regulating role in the energy system to ensure the balance between energy production and consumption, while improving the overall economics of the energy system and reducing energy costs.